This quote by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, clearly expresses the need for New Solutions to the problems that Latin American nations are facing today.
There are two approaches to solving a social problem—from the outside in, and from the inside out. In the past, the most common approach has been to work from the outside in. This means analyzing and addressing the external effects of a problem, and then trying to decrease those negative effects on individuals, and for society as a whole.
The government might pass new laws to combat crime, begin to enforce existing laws more strictly, add more streetlights, or patrol high-crime areas more frequently. In some cases, these “outside in” approaches can bring an improvement in the quality of life for the people living in that area.
But there is another approach that is much more effective, working from the inside out. This means addressing the root cause of the problem at its source, and involves creating more orderly or coherent brain functioning for the people themselves.
Fortunately, there is a proven technology for solving problems from the inside out—regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, and organizing large Creating-Coherence Groups practicing the TM-Sidhi program together.
Change coming from the outside can create a negative feeling of “I have to.” Change coming from the inside creates a positive feeling of “I want to.” This is why inner change is more authentic, reliable, and lasting.
We feel good when we change from the inside out. When other people see us enjoying better health and greater happiness in life, it can also inspire them to learn TM and begin to change from within as well.
Researchers have found that during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, the brain becomes more coherent and integrated. The left and right hemispheres of the brain begin to work more closely together. This is called brainwave coherence.
This heightened efficiency of brain functioning increases over time as we continue our twice-daily practice of TM, and begins to be experienced outside of meditation, improving our mental performance and overall health.
Higher levels of brainwave coherence are also seen in “peak performers,” such as world class athletes and top-level managers. An orderly brain creates more orderly thoughts, speech, and behavior. With TM we are able to enjoy new and improved ways of thinking, speaking and acting. In fact, a more coherent brain can change our whole experience of life in a very positive direction.
The pre-frontal cortex region of our brain is responsible for the higher functions of the mind, such as long-term planning, moral reasoning, and deciding whether something is right or wrong. It is sometimes referred to as the “CEO of the Brain.”
In a brain that functions normally, the information enters via the senses and is sent to the pre-frontal cortex to be processed there. Decisions are made and then sent to the motor parts that drive the relevant muscles to respond.
When the mind and body are stressed, information by-passes the pre-frontal cortex and flows directly from the senses to the motor parts. This is the “fight or flight” response of the brain, and could save our life in an emergency situation.
But when an individual is suffering from chronic stress, the pre-frontal cortex becomes disabled, and they are no longer able to see what is right or wrong, or to consider the possible long-term consequences of their actions.
Behavior is linked to brain functioning. Stress impairs the brain, which then negatively impacts our behavior. When individual stress builds up it contributes to societal stress, which in turn fuels crime and social violence.
Transcendental Meditation reduces traumatic stress, and changes the functioning of the brain of an individual. TM group meditations have been shown to reduce societal stress, crime and social violence.
The Transcendental Meditation technique allows the mind to transcend, to go beyond the thinking process and gain a unique state of deep rest for both mind and body. This process of transcending also produces a high degree of orderliness or coherence in the brain.
When we practice the TM technique, we naturally begin to experience more settled, or less active, levels of our own mind. And when we transcend to the finest, most quiet level of awareness, we experience a state of inner wakefulness or “transcendental consciousness.”
Scientists have identified this experience as a fourth major state of consciousness which is measurably different from sleeping, dreaming, and waking. Transcendental consciousness is a natural state of deep rest that enlivens our body’s own inner intelligence and healing abilities, and awakens the creativity and intelligence of our mind. Research has correlated brainwave coherence on the EEG with transcendental consciousness and valuable benefits in daily life.
International Journal of Neuroscience 15 (1981): 151–157
The TM technique is easy to learn, effortless to practice, and offers many positive effects that have been proven by scientific research studies.
Benefits for the Body
Benefits for the Mind
Benefits for Behavior
Psychosomatic Medicine 1987; 49:493–507
Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 5, no. 6 (2012): 750–58
There are two approaches to solving a social problem—from the outside in, and from the inside out. In the past, the most common approach has been to work from the outside in. This means analyzing and addressing the external effects of a problem, and then trying to decrease those negative effects on individuals, and for society as a whole.
The government might pass new laws to combat crime, begin to enforce existing laws more strictly, add more streetlights, or patrol high-crime areas more frequently. In some cases, these “outside in” approaches can bring an improvement in the quality of life for the people living in that area.
But there is another approach that is much more effective, working from the inside out. This means addressing the root cause of the problem at its source, and involves creating more orderly or coherent brain functioning for the people themselves.
Fortunately, there is a proven technology for solving problems from the inside out—regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, and organizing large Creating-Coherence Groups practicing the TM-Sidhi program together.
More than fifty published scientific studies have shown that when 1% or more of a city or town’s population is practicing the TM technique, or when the square root of 1% is practicing the TM-Sidhi program together in large groups, a powerful influence of coherence and harmony radiates into the surrounding population, neutralizing societal stress and tension, and promoting positive social trends.
By defusing social stress, these Creating-Coherence Groups have been scientifically shown to lower crime and prevent social conflict, thereby contributing to a more peaceful and harmonious world.
There are now 23 published studies verifying that Creating-Coherence Groups defusing social stress can:
This influence of creating coherence through the TM and TM-Sidhi program for society at large is known as the “Maharishi Effect” since it was predicted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi nearly fifty years ago.
References. SAGE Open. 2016; April–June:1–16. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 2017;24(1–2):53–86. SAGE Open. 2017; January–March:1–15. Journal of Health and Enviromental Research. 2017;3(3–1):32–43.